
I have never been interested in figuring out the difference between art and Design, or in identifying the boundaries between these two activities. i never went along with the anathema that seems to strike those who mix these two worlds, indeed, two worlds that are adjacent and mutually interrelated, and have been separated by a bourgeois misconception whereby “design has a practical purpose, whereas art does not” (Andrea Branzi).

So, what is the relationship between art and design? Where is the thin line between an object that belongs to a world and an object that belongs to another? and furthermore: does seriality – even on a small scale – quench the – unique – spirit of the artistic gesture?

In this issue, interventions by: Nanda Vigo, Alberto Apostoli, Matteo Tampone, William Bertoia, Orodè Deoro, Paola Colombari, Maria Cristina De Zuccato